| - Do you want to experience what it's like to be in the Twilight Zone, then come here.
Ghost towns hold some fascination, but this is as close as you can get to a modern ghost town that just emptied out a couple years ago.
There is evidence of life, such as shop misters, ticking clocks, open signs, but there is NO ONE around. You walk and suddenly there appears a gardener; you walk into a gelato store and you think it's empty until an old lady emerges from the back to scare the hell out of you; you walk up the cobbled path and it feels like this pretty place has been abandoned. You pass the late Ritz Carlton and it looks like a storied monument to old money that has flew the coop. The casino has a large lock on its doors, but the village is colorful, pretty, quaint, and looks new.
It is hot, and it is quiet. Eeriness surrounds you, and you think you are on a movie set that has left for lunch. You feel grateful to see another soul walking about because it attests to your sanity. After an hour of searching for life, we leave to drive around the lake and note the modern ruins of half-baked mansions amid gated communities, and it is truly a testament to the current state of affairs that George W. Bush has gotten us into.