| - -1000 stars! Moved my mother, and scammed beyond belief. They were quoted for their move and were told there would be no extra charges. 2 guys show up late, in a truck with an unregistered CVOR# written in sharpie on the side of it. They then tagged on a stair charge, as well as heavy lifting charge. All the furniture was brand new, and had spent well over $10000 on it- not a single scratch. Needless to say it's all destroyed, along with the walls in her old and new house. They accused my mom of being a liar claiming it was all ruined before they moved it. They tried to hold items, and get an extra $1000 or they'd be leaving with everything in the truck- until threatened to have police called. They would not hand over a copy of the original signed contract either until threatened with police yet again. Not only this- but when I showed up they were screaming at the top of their lungs at my mother (not professional at all!). They told us to contact their boss and when we tried he picked up once, hung up on us and never answered a call again. Come to find out the guys told us they were 19, and 20 year old kids doing this for the past few weeks while their school's been on strike. As someone who's husbands family has been in the moving industry for well over a decade, he was in disbelief when he saw the lack of moving pads, and then dragging furniture across hardwood floors that they ended up scratching. THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING, AND THEY WILL SCAM YOU. BEWARE!!!!! They ended up leaving with only half the move done and we had to do the rest alone which is pathetic when you've already paid someone.