| - I really wanted to like it, I did. I went here for a Flywheel class with ClassPass and stopped by the front desk my first time in. They were super nice and welcoming, gave me a tour, gave me shoes and told me what to do when I get in the stadium.
Game time - the crowd rushes in the stadium and I try to find the tiny number on the bike. I found it. Now how in the hell do I get myself on this thing and why is everyone else frantically adjusting their bike? I flag down one of the guys who works there and he gladly adjusts my bike, gets me on there and gives me the low down.
Then the class starts, the lights dim, the people woo (seriously, people woo-ed) and we begin to pedal. Thats where it all started to fall apart for me. Maybe I've just watched too much "Adventures of Kimmy Schmidt" where spin classes are this crazy cult, but it was just too much. If I had known how to actually get off the bike, and tiptoe out of the dark room, I would've done it.
I'm glad I tried it, but you won't see me at any Flywheel classes - but I do plan on trying FlyBarre - stay tuned.