I was really impressed with SMoCa. The first time I attended was for the young@art exhibition (my students' works are in that show!) and I enjoyed making my way through the rest of the exhibitions as well. The second time I attended was for my students' dance recital in the main hall. I found the staff to be extremely courteous and helpful, and the art was intriguing and inspiring. I'd highly recommend checking out young@art while it is open - you'll be surprised that the works have been created by persons born after 1992.
As a side-note: anyone who says, "I could do that," or "my kid could do that," is telling the world that they have no idea what it means to create art. Anyone who appreciates art (in all of its forms) will immediately dismiss that ignoramus for saying something like that. (Therefore I'd recommend shutting your mouth and appreciating the art pieces for what they are - works of art - whether or not you 'get it.')