Well, at least they got the name of the place right. Jeeeeeezus H. This place was a like a frat party on crack. We went here on a Saturday night around midnight simply because friends were staying at the hotel next door and we had to pick our poison (all the bars on this "strip" for the most part look pathetic). We walk in, and the first thing we notice is it's half empty. However, I'm thinking that's because the bar is about 40,000 sq ft. It's one of those corporate places where they aren't sure of their identity, so they mix everything mainstream into one place - '80s buttrock mixed with '00 buttrock (Puddle of Mudd, Stained), a mechanical bull for half-naked girls to practice their douchebag-riding skills, big-titted bartenders that are going for the Coyote Ugly look...I think? As for the patrons....think Jon Gosselin and tranny prostitues. Oops - I mean girls with 6" heels, "dresses" (aka a half-shirt), teased blonde extensions and raccoon eyes. To which I have to say....really? Do you really need to go to those lengths to get laid by a douchebag Backstreet Boy clone? Can't you just go up to them dressed in sweats and no make-up and ask them if they want a BJ? Pretty sure the answer would be the same.