I arrived at 4:25 and was told it would be about 40 minutes to get it done and that I should come back at 6:pm just to be sure. So I called for a ride, I arrive back at 5:55PM and shortly after I am told, that it will still be about another 40 minutes before that get it in the shop.
If you cant do the work when you say you can, Don't take in the job, I had to have someone pick me up and then wasted almost 2 hours of our time and still did not get the tires service done.
This isn't the first time this location has failed to provide accurate time lines and come up short. and I am sure it wont be the last.
What frustrates me the most is I have lost faith in this location due to poor service and salespeople who don't seem to care.
Now I will loose more time taking it somewhere else to get my maintenance done. They are fast to sell a warranty, but very slow to provide the customer service after the sale.