Excellent! I've read through the reviews.. if you get there early early..... Dana isn't a morning Bird so occasionally her first customers or two may not hear the music that chef mind of hers is worried about all of those lunch people threatening her life over shrimp and grits, she's often running around getting soups started because they are made from scratch. And really dude? Who likes pancakes? Dana makes Belgium waffles from scratch trust me I've watched her myself! And the syrup bottle.... you must have needed a lot of syrup sir because it's a 2 gallon bottle... cough. Anyway, great food and good service for a cafe striving to be a restaurant! I know when I go I'm gonna wait 30 min but I know when I leave I'm gonna be dying to go back soon. Gotta call every Friday for those shrimp and grits and reserve!!!! Talk about yummy