I live around the neighborhood and my family loves sonic. Me on the other hand not so much, every time I come to this establishment I am always having to return as my order is NEVER correct. Simple instructions are very hard to understand and when they mess up You Would Expect Some Concern Or Desert But Receive none. The employees never have a clue about what car oder what, who ordered what and what the order was... ordered a cherry limeade slush no lime... drink came I asked does it have lime she said no. Tasted it and it had lime, I asked for no lime lady tells me she thought I ment no lime peel ... ??? For my bad service I asked for a strawberry shortcake smoothy and was told can't do it due to the price difference. I explained my past service and she reconsidered and came back with a mini lmao I ordered a medium drink and was bought a mini how is that great service. But also for my trouble I was given a free ice cream cone coupon !!!