I've waited ages to update-just in case things changed. Unfortunately they haven't.
I think the same Cardio Theater sets (that allow users to listen to the TV) on the cardio machines have been broken since i joined 10 months ago. This is despite emails and tweets to @GoodLifeListens on Twitter with promises to fix them. It means making a beeline for the same few functional machines each time or being unable to watch TV. I'm still getting over the fact that there are communal TVs too. It's like I've gone back in time. Sometimes it's just not worth trying to change to something watchable-some of the clientele have a mad stare. I reported a broken shower in the changing room last September (10 months ago) and it too is still broken.
There has been a turnover of front desk staff since I joined so it's a mixture of a few extremely nice people and some just OK. Sam in the mornings is a ray of sunshine though. I just wish I didn't have to go to work at that time-I never get to see her anymore! I'm always happy to see Mason who is absolutely lovely and Janessa who is really smiley and cheers me up when I go in. I cross my fingers that they're working.
The trainers have changed around a bit too. I can't afford to hire one anyway but it's interesting to see the differences in personalities and techniques. Some never ever say hello, others are friendly and make me happy to be there. Adam is always smiling, says hello and puts his clients through challenging but well thought-out sessions. He teaches them well and is completely focused on them at all times. It's obvious that his clients trust and like him. Dean gave me a complimentary introductory session which was fantastic fun and I left with new ideas after just an hour. He was the first I saw using a TRX there. Rey is always friendly and I had a very interesting chat with Ingrid one night. Alex is a welcome addition and also really friendly and chatty. They've made me feel a better about the place. I perk up when I see them and feel like it really is my "home" gym. I actually miss them when I go somewhere else for a workout.
The layout is still poor. They've installed a multimount rack for TRX training in one of the rooms. The TRX is great fun to use so that's good....but it adds to the space issue. I think they needed to think more about where they were going to put everything else. They have too many machines cluttering the place that barely get any use and then others that people practically have to fight over.
All the dumbbells were replaced recently. On the upside, they don't leave black marks or wobble like some of the previous ones. The downside is that they look and feel cheap and are really bulky. They should really have bought some hex ones when they were buying them too. I like the graduated barbells though.
The place feels grubby and dirty. I'm not sure how much of it is purely the decor which is firmly lodged in the 70s. The carpet is disgusting and I've come across sticky patches-shudder. They recently refloored the showers but didn't bother to change the stalls or curtains which could have completely lifted the look. They could also have fixed the stupid broken shower too. For future reference (if you are really stuck for a gym and have to go there)-it's the first one on the left. Another peeve is that there is only one water fountain for the whole main floor and the tap to fill bottles doesn't work.
Overall, when somebody asks where I go I say "GoodLife-but because it's just around the corner". I'm not proud of it and I wouldn't bring a guest here. Suppose it's not really a resounding endorsement, is it? If it wasn't for the members of staff who are really friendly there I'd probably be somewhere else. GoodLife are lucky that they've managed to find a group of talented and genuinely pleasant and enthusiastic people. If they just improved the superficial stuff and maintained the facility better it could really be a joy.