Cheri at Robinson is new to the company and she has repeatedly said she would follow up with why a maintenance company is charging us an outrageous 255.00 for an after hours maintenance visit. Our AC was going on and off. The units were 20 years old (1996 they were installed). The AC guy said nothing was wrong with it, however it didn't get cold before he came and after he left. A total of 15 minutes he was here. 255.00 for an after hours call. I know a company out of New York, Faucet Enforcers, who works for celebrities. They only charge 190.00 after hours. How do you justify that fee. And he did not diagnosis it properly. The next day we put in another call into the maintenance as it still was not working. The new AC guy had to replace the entire electrical (to which we took photos). This was a different worker from the same company. So you would think if the maintenance has a contract with Robinson they would waive this fee. For two reasons, 1) they got the job - and received a travel fee for the second visit 2) they are getting all the business from Robison by contract. Sounds like to me, the maintenance that is contracted by Robinson needs to be renegotiated. We own a Commercial Mortgage Company business and if any one tried to take advantage of our clients we would, renegotiate our contract or get rid of them. But in all, we would always stick up for the client. Especially clients like us, Rent always early or on time. We have improved this house since we have moved it. It is always clean and maintained. We are prepared to have our rent put into escrow and seek legal from our attorney on retainer. We can afford this fee and to pay this rent amount for years ahead, if we choose. The point is the principal. We do not feel this is a valid cost to us, nor to the landlord/owner. This cost should be waived and Cheri is not making enough of an effort to make sure that happens.