| - Over the 6 months of living there, all the apartments in our complex had been broken into except ours. Typically, they steal from the 1 floor because the balcony is an easy exit when they take large items, such as tvs. Since our building faces the 95, no one can notice them stealing, so it's an easy getaway. (Cop told me this)
I worked late nights at my job and would try to nap in the afternoon, my door would get knocked on 2- 3 times, when I'd go to the door, no one would ever be there. I knew someone was testing to see if I was home, I spent many times, just staring at the door waiting for it to get busted down.
When we had huge rainstorms, our walls and ceilings would leak, and the seal on the front door wasn't sealed well, so water would seep into the doorway. Due to that, we had a huge cockroach problem, the exterminators were always coming over to spray, but that didn't help. Our neighbors also had baby scorpions in their front closet.
Also, I could hear the neighbors above me having sex, arguing, and they had a child that sounded like he was practicing a cirque du soleil show at midnight. I'd try to sleep and I thought my ceiling was going to bust down on top of me and that gymnast child would land on my bed. Those neighbors also did laundry at odd hours and vacuumed everyday. My bedroom also faced the stairwell that led up to the second and third floors, so I could hear people coming home at all hours of the night. I also woke up one night to a car crashing in front of my building.
When you open the front gates, they stay open for about a minute, so you can have about 5 cars piggyback you in. Many people would sit at the gas station across the street and wait for a renter to come into the gate, follow them in, either rob that person, or break into people's cars, etc. A Henderson police officer TOLD ME this was happening. She told me to sign up to get reports on every time something happened when the police were called. I still get those reports, and its always within a half mile of that complex that there is strong armed robbery, break in, etc. Sometimes, when I came home late at night, the gates would be open!
The workout rooms a POS, the tvs, and water fountain never worked, and only 1 treadmill and elliptical worked. The front office always said it was being fixed. 1 pool and hot tub were closed the whole time we were there too, they said it was being "fixed". Not that I ever saw anyone working on it.
Everyday, police were there, either arresting someone (I saw a drug bust go down) or just patrolling the area. At night though, the police were never in sight, and that's when all the crimes would occur.
Speaking of which, there is only one security guard (Who I never saw) and he works part time, that's what Tammy told us. It was very convenient that the day this "guard" wasn't working that my dad's car was broken into and our U-Haul truck had gas siphoned out of it. I heard car alarms going off all the time. Due to the fact that we had a car broken into, my mom was afraid and wanted to go to a different apartment, although Tammy told us that that wasn't possible.
Parking passes were only given to 1person per apartment; Which is BS in my opinion because there were at least 30 open stalls to park at by my place.
There was a letter taped onto my door that told me that I needed to pick up after my dog when he went to the bathroom, and that Tammy had "little birdies" who told her everything if I was trying to be sneaky and get away with not picking up after my dog. I ALWAYS picked up after my dogs. Every time I let them outside I had to do an obstacle course to avoid myself from stepping on other dog's poop. Also, the poop that never got picked up was always tiny, and my dogs are fairly large, so clearly not coming from my dogs.
Another letter on our door was telling us to pick up our cigarette butts that we left all over the place. (none of us smoke) These letters were never on my neighbor's doors, even though they smoked and owned dogs.
To the girl who lived here for a weekend and said this place is great, I'm sure she changed her mind now (unless she lived on the third floor) this neighborhood isn't the greatest since it's close to Boulder highway. This place fools you on the outside. I moved here from Wisconsin, and the whole 6 months I lived here I had seen more crimes, suspicious activity, and police officers than I had in my whole life combined. And when you tell the front office about it, they act like they have never heard of such a thing.
The day we moved out we cleaned that place all day to get our security deposit back and the person who did or inspection mixed us up and told us we didn't get our deposit because we left the place "a disaster", so we had to call and complain until they realized their mix up. Then we all of a sudden owed more money for every month on the rent on certain things that they forgot to add on onto the contract. How many more things can go wrong at this place?