| - This is for the Blü Sol Spa location in Eagle Mountain Inn. It advertises as an All Natural, All Organic Spa. Their products are neither All Natural, nor All Organic (a few organic ingredients isn't the same). False advertising annoys me. Bought a hotel/spa package, then couldn't get a hold of the spa staff. After 2 days of drama, Michelle appeared making it seem as if it was a huge favor. She then proceeded to push their "natural, organic product line." Puhhleease. Just wanted to relax after trying for 2 days to get them to respond, now she's trying to fleece me. Irritated. I walk up the hill to the "spa." It's a hotel room, small one, doesn't even have a shower (what kind of spa doesn't have wraps and scrubs which need a rinse). The small room has 2 tables jammed in. This is not a spa experience. This is not an organic experience. This is not an all natural experience. Michelle's massage was alright, nothing to write home about. Because we bought a hotel/spa package, I felt cheated. My honey wasn't too impressed with his massage. The Inn was great. Blu Sol Spa, not so much.