I initially started going to this office because they were accepting new patients. Being new to Calgary, I had been having trouble finding a family Dr. so I was very grateful. So I go in and I got Dr. Dilip Nandi as a family Dr.
However, I start going in to see him for all of my issues and notice he doesn't listen to what you have to say, nor does it looks like he cares. I try to explain what the issue is and he makes no eye contact and only hears what he wants. All he does is prescribe me Naproxin for EVERYTHING!! He isn't interested in solving the problem, merely covering them up. He's very quick to just hand out any prescription without asking any questions about what's going on with you or if you have any questions and doesn't even explain to you what he's prescribing to you or why. I also feel very rushed and unheard. I don't even get 3 minutes in the office with him and he's rushing out to the next person. That's why if you have an appointment, you'll notice your seen right at your appointment time....he's rushing out to the next one.
I've noticed a lot of errors as well. I had pain in my upper back so got an x ray and instead of my upper back he put on the requisition lower. Months later, I had pain in my left abdomen so I got a pelvic ultrasound, and he put on the requisition pain in right abdomen. I go back for the test results and I have arthritis in my back...he prescribes Naproxin and doesn't say anything about my back or what else I can do for it. I go for results to my ultrasound, he says nothing is on it, yet I'm having severe pain so I ask what could be causing the pain he says "I have no idea" prescribes me Naproxin and offers no other alternatives on what to do!!! I couldn't believe my ears! So I go to a walk in clinic, they get me a CT scan and turns out I have a kidney stone! Another time, I had blood work done and I got a call to come in. He tells me my cholesterol is very high and makes me an appointment with the nutritionist. I go to see her and she says nothing is wrong with my cholesterol it was my good cholesterol that was high which isn't bad. Another time I got a call after 3 and a half months of not being there and they tell me something came up on my blood work. I said "my blood work? I haven't been there in 3 and a half months what blood work?" the receptionist says "the blood work from January" is now end of April!!!! "I said why am I just getting a call back now?!!" he didn't give me any answer but had told me I needed to come in. So I go in and the Dr. tells me my hepatitis B antibodies are very high which is a good thing and means that I have high immunity. So I say "so what am I here for then?" And he tells me to talk about the results. Didn't make any sense to me so I asked for a copy of them. I leave the office, look at the paper and it had a part that said correction..I look over and it had said correction patient is non reactive to hepatitis B surface antigen which was why I was called in because it said the test was reactive when it actually wasn't.... it was read wrong and that's why after 3 and a half months I was called in.
I have a new doctor now and I have not returned to Mission Medical. I don't advise anyone else to if your seriously concerned about your health. If you want a quick script of your choice, then that's the place for you.