I have been renting with Bennett since the start of August of 2013 in Phoenix. From the start they have been nothing short of great. Travis Reich, our property manager, led us through the application process flawlessly with friendly service and quick response times. Travis was very accommodating to mine and my girlfriend's cat AND dog. Most places won't take one! He was very upfront with all costs, in terms of deposits, monthly rent, and the fees with the online pay portal. We never used this due to the fees but it is a great tool!
We also had a few maintenance issues such as; broken laundry machine pump and yard work (its an older house and these things happen!) that were handled well. He was extremely quick and professional in response and connecting us with the proper companies that took care of the issues!
Overall our experience with Travis and Bennett were 5 star and we would definitely recommend their services to anyone looking for a great home in the Phoenix area!
We have not moved out officially but will give an update if anything goes wrong (which I have all faith it won't, as great as they have been!)