Now that then new Terminal 3 is complete, perhaps this older section could get the renovations it badly needs.
Every time I fly into Las Vegas it seems I'm in a different terminal. Most recently, flying back to Kansas City, I was in Terminal 1 out at the A gates.
The round piers of gates clustered together would have a cool retro vibe, if it wasn't so dark because a lot of the fluorescent light fixtures are burnt out. The carpet looks old as do the chairs and not in a cool way. It's as if the A gates of Terminal 1 are an afterthought of the rest of the airport. Badly in need of renovation. It's a shame too because there's a great view of the strip and it looks as if the windows were recently replaced. The center area is dominated by slot machines and there's a gift shop adjacent. Fortunately, I didn't have to spend too much time before my flight or serious boredom would have set in. With so many airports being destinations themselves, it's a bit surprising how uninspired and uninteresting this area of the terminal turns out to be. Not much of a welcome or farewell from Las Vegas.