Today I went to Ikea and wandered around for a few hours ooo'ing and ahh'ing over all of the unique home decor. This place is huge on the inside, offering a place for children to play while you shop, a food court, and even a small grocery section offering Swedish food! The prices are good and I love all of the ideas they displays give me for my home. The store was clean and very well organized but there were lots of people just slowly wandering around, kind of in the way, and a few groups of children and pre-teens just running around. Either way its not to big of a deal and its next to impossible to come into this store and leave empty handed!
Other cool things I noticed:
Super cheap food, 50 cents for a hot dog and a $1 for an ice cream cone.
Their family card offers you a free coffee or tea whenever you come in & discounts, pretty awesome.