2 words!!! PASTA HEAVEN!! Stopped by today wanted to make what I would consider an overkill. Spinach and turkey lasagna with fresh spinach pasta. Stepped in and right away, I was greeted by 2 very friendly handsome men that work there. I'm thinking, oh wow. They may find a thick asian chick like me attractive. Hubba Hubba!!!! Then another customer step into the store and they're just as friendly. Ok, wishful thinking on my part.
Looking around, I'm overwhelmed.. Thinking of Mario and many other famous Italian chefs who can possibly come here to get all their goodies. Fresh or frozen. Truly wish they have a location in Steele Creek. All their pastas can be easily custom cut. I wanted spinach lasagna and I asked them. They said yes they can cut it for me.. 5 mins later.. I'm holding a beautiful bag of green deliciousness! The staffs are friendly and they seem to know I'm lost and not a great cook. As they bagging my pasta. They provided with instructions.
I must say. I like to thank them for that.. Little did I know I don't have to cook them in advance because that's exactly what I was going to do! "I'll be back!" (In Arnold's voice)