I would have liked my 700th review to be a super special one. However, it's time to review an airline. How boring is that?
I have to give Southwest an A-OK rating. Because they did get me and my bag to Hobby airport in one piece. And back, again. So, I gotta give them credit for that. Everyone I know is so in love with this airline. But not me. I still can not get over their idiotic idea of having everyone line up with a bunch of cattle to fight for a seat. Now, the "no fee" airline will give you a chance to line up earlier for a shot at a seat for a mere $10. Hey, isn't that a fee? I only had to push one person out of my way to get the seat I wanted. Good job, Julie D. Their staff is no more charming then anyone else's. For example, both our flight attendants had an attitude. And it was a bad one. Their peanuts are no better. Their ice is not colder. Why is everyone so SW crazy? I am not seeing it. One good thing in this instance, we did pick them in order to get a direct flight. And direct flights are always nice.