If you have to see someone that bills your employer's workman's compensation insurance for your workplace injury, look elsewhere. This office is full of amateurs that told me all the right things when I called with my many questions to be sure it would be no problem billing the workman's comp insurance co. if I saw one of their doctors. However, when I showed up at my appointment with all the insurance claim paperwork they said I would need, they changed their story now adding a new requirement for some form that even the Industrial Commission of Arizona (ICA) never heard of. They said I'd have to pay for it out of pocket now because I didn't have this piece of paper. Right then I got the insurance claims adjuster on the phone who asked to speak to them so she could give payment approval, but they wouldn't even talk to her. Based on instructions and assurances they gave me over the phone, I took 1/2 day off work to come to my appointment and they totally wasted my time and valuable PTO. Unaccountable amateurs.