I just hit up Tavern 245 for the first time, and I'm now a fan. As an added benefit, it's not even all that expensive.
First off, the beer list is great. With an 8-tap primary, they don't have much room for fooling around, and they don't seem to waste any time on bad beer. From Furthermore (Knot Stock) to East End Brewing (Big Hop IPA), they fill the space well and don't seem to lend an inch to uninteresting macro-brews. The bottle list follows a similar trend with about 20 additional options. If you really do want a macro-brew, it looks like they allow that in the downstairs bar--or in a bottle.
The menu follows familiar sections but offers some exciting options. True to tavern form, they offer up some exciting appetizers but some good dinner options as well. I tried a side salad along side dinner and was quite impressed. The staff was even more than willing to switch in a few vegetarian options: my veggie tacos were notably delicious (and mysteriously missing from the menu!).
I'll post some photos and more extensive comments on FoodBurgh in the next few days, but I'll start by saying right here, that they're definitely worth checking out!