Still very new. A few kinks, but overall good! Buffalo dip app and the cheeseburger were great, mac & cheese (oddly) was not good, my Cobb salad would have been great if they hadn't drowned it in ranch. I'm not a "light dressing" type and it was way too much, inedibly so. I didn't complain bc I was full from the dip anyway. So for salads I would recommend asking for dressing on the side, as their default is to mix in. Adult "Capri Sun" style drinks called Soccer Mom Special were great and refreshing. The birthday milkshake w/ a cupcake on top was delicious- got it virgin- didn't try it with alcohol, as my 10 y/o was the one who ordered it. Picture of the milkshake is inside beside silverware bc we got rained out on the porch, went inside and there was nowhere available to sit (busy).