Ugh. Can we put this Canadian dinosaur to sleep already? This location SUCKS. Was in there after work today to take advantage of their semi annual sale. I wanted to try my selections on but after walking the men's wear section for almost 20 minutes I was ready to give up. I found someone and asked to get a change room. The girl could have cared less about letting me in, and when I went to pay, it was another 20 minutes to get someone to help me check out. I went over towards a till with someone there and was told "Oh this till is just for blah blah blah line" So wait. You don't want to take me my money? Yeah sure I'll go to the dingy basement. Oh. Basement till. You can't take clothing purchases? Oh. Well don't be upset if I toss this pile of clothes on the nearest table and leave. Oh. Winners is up the street. Great. I'll go there.