I'm really fortunate that this is my local movie theatre. Been coming here for the last 6 years even before the remodel. But now it's even better...
Wonderful luxurious, stadium, reclining seating. The seating is all reserved so you can pick your favorite seat every, single time without fail! You like the center seat? it's yours. An aisle girl (or guy) like me? You got it.
They move the lines really quickly so even on busy nights, the lines are never ridiculous. The staff is always pleasant and friendly and always let you know when you've got a freebie on your Regal Crown Club Carb (though I like to save my points for a rainy day or in this case a free ticket).
They always have plenty of show times to choose from including the late nighters. They even have adult beverages at the snack bar to make your movie going experience all the more enjoyable (or tolerable ). It's a great gem of a theater.