| - I'm in Madison for the night and pulled into a strip mall near my hotel to check my email, and saw this place. Out of curiosity, I looked it up on Yelp.
Normally I stay away from Mexican food in the Midwest. Even the authentic places tone it down for the gringos. I thought I might try it later on tonight. After checking into the hotel and sorting out work related issues, it was time for dinner. And this place didn't disappoint.
It is more like the taquerias I visit in Texas (and in Mexico in the past). The menu is limited, and there isn't chips and salsa on the tables (it is on the menu, however). I think that is an American thing. Chips just fill me up so I can't finish my meal.
I ended up with the steak burrito and a steak taco. They quickly came out and both were huge. The taco was on corn tortillas, and the meat was piled on it, along with cilantro and onions. I added a little green salsa to it and I was in heaven. I still had that monster burrito to eat.
The thing was stuffed with grilled steak, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, a few beans, and what looked like queso chalco. Yumyumyum. Halfway through, I unfolded the tortilla and just started eating the innards with a fork. A young lady came in and after studying the menu, asked what I was eating. I told her it was the burrito, and she ordered one to go. The last time I had a burrito that big was when I was living in California, 15 years ago.