| - I was in the zone looking for a new (or used) medium sized truck that was bare bones. I have no need for power windows, power windows, power seats or any bells and whistles. Something with wheels, engine, transmission, and a steering wheel would be enough.
A 2016 Colorado was being advertised for $21,995 which is great price; marked down from 26,650. In fact, as of this review it is still up on their website.
After a few email messages I called and was told that that model was in transit, but *maybe* that price can be transferred to one on the lot. I decided to go look keeping the idea in my the back of my mind that this was a bait and switch. And it was. The very first thing I was asked before running the numbers was my driver's license in order to determine interest rates. They needed my zip code. I did not give my driver's license and simply told them my zip code. That probably set the tone for things to come. After looking at it and sitting down waiting for the numbers, we go from $21,995 to $27,500. Come on.
"Dealer add ons, it says so on the website." Really? It has a very generic throw away statement that says customer or dealer add ons increase the price. Of course they will, but there was no indication that it was for the el-cheapo model. In reality, there was no el-cheap model on the lot. I also understand they want to push what they already have, but I am not interested.
I get it. I do. It's part of the game. The reason why I am giving a one start review is the attitude of the car salesmen. Good ole Ben.
He asked me if I was going to buy that night, and I said no and his reply was "Then why are you here?"
On top of being accosted by your typical salesmen as your approach the front door, the incredulity of being asked why I am there if I am not buying that instant is absurd.
I was ready to buy Ben. I was. You missed out on a sale because of your bait and switch tactics and attitude.
I opted for a used Toyota Tacoma on Cragslist. No sales tax. Nice guy. Even let me take it to my mechanic before I bought it.