If this place were in Denver, I'd probably be a quasi-regular. Bunkhouse reminded me a lot of my hometown venue the Larimer Lounge, only with an ample outside area and more seating inside.
It was also a good spot to catch local and other cities' local talent. My Body Sings Electric (DENVER REPRESENT!) brought our group in and cover was $10 for a slew of bands, both indoors and outdoors. They also had food indoors with a barbecue and bar setup outdoors.
Not the nicest place in a hood that seemed a bit rough around the edges (to say the least) but if you're looking to escape all of the tourism of the strip and the cheese of Fremont Street Experience for grungy, divey, "locals only" type of locale, this is your spot.
Also some great mounted deer heads on the walls. Hipsterific!