| - It was kinda hard finding this place. I had to ask 2 people for directions and still had a hard time finding it. This place is inside the Forum Shops @ Caesars Palace but you have to go all the way inside passing Planet Hollywood and Victoria's Secret then go take the escalator down.
One word to describe Vosges Haut-Chocolat: "EXOTIC"
The place was so bright, beautiful and organized. I was a little intimidated when I walked in. The price wasn't too bad. $7.50 for each of the 3 oz candy bar. Buy 5 and you get 1 free. I took advantage of the offer and bought the followings: dark bacon bar, milk bacon bar, dominican dark, black salt caramel, habana and blood orange. The chocolate itself was good but I wasn't too fond of the flavors.
I asked if they had the samples for black pearl exotic candy bar since it had wasabi in it. The girl said that was actually one of the samples for the day. I sampled all 3 available samples and decided not to get any of them. The naga (sweet indian curry, coconut & milk chocolate) had a very strong curry taste. I eat my curry with rice, not with my chocolate. Black pearl tasted very different. I guess Iike my wasabi with sushi. The last sample was toffee (weird tasting) and I didn't like that one either.
Katrina, the owner of Vosges, loves to travel and she reflects that in her chocolates. She is obsessed with bacon!! I saw bacon candy bar, pig shape bacon chocolate and even bacon pancake mix. Yum!!
The girl also offered us individual truffle samples after we bought 6 candy bars. She asked if I was willing to try the exotic flavor and I said yes. I kinda regretting saying yes when she said the sample was balsamic vinegar. Yuck!! I was wrong..I didn't know I would enjoy balsamic vinegar chocolate.
Balsamic Vinegar chocolate: My first reaction was ok...this is weird. It's sour and tasted like vinegar but wait it's actually kinda yummy after I chewed the whole thing. I wanted more. 4 stars!!
I got the catalog and kicking myself for not getting the rose truffle and champagne truffle. Oh well, maybe next time.
3.5 stars!!
Vosges Haut-Chocolat is yummylicious!!