Argh, you dirty little cramped place you. If you wasn't for your late hours (until 1-ish) and proximity to where I live, I wouldn't frequent you.
I'm so confused when I shop here. Do you remember that kid's game show "Fun House?" It's kind of like walking into that. Having to look for a clue as to where to find the item you want/need. I swear I walked around for 15 minutes once looking for the bread aisle only to discover that the bread was on the ends of several aisles (your clue) and you had to figure out which endcap you needed for the correct bread.
Going later at night makes it hard to shop, especially since they are in full swing with restocking the shelves. (yet another piece to that fun house puzzle) Don't go for big orders ever here, be sure to have a small list and avoid grabbing a cart, you'll just add to the congestion. If at all possible, use the self check outs.