OMfG. O-M-f-y-G. Ohh MY freeakin' FRO-YO GODDDddd!
When you're too exhausted to journey across the strip and seek out Yogurtland. When you're too irritated to wander over to City Centre and stand in line at Pinkberry. When you are too inebriated to stumble up the endless ramp in to Miracle Mile shops for Red Mango.
This mini-Walgreens in front of the Best Western... got. you. covered.
Drug-store fro-yo!? Quite decent, even if two flavours weren't swirling or working. I simply cannot complain. It's wondrous this set-up even exists. (Yeah I'm easily impressed.)
The main part of the store has sundries and a beer cave. The place gets crowded, and check-out line gets long but moves rapidly. Cashier was really nice.
There's even a friendly, attentive security guard just inside the entrance. You know, just in case damm low-life thugs trying to steal mah fro-yo.
Some of us totally have frozen yoghurt emergencies. This is my saviour.
Should Walgreens remove the fro-yo machines, I may have to remove a star.
For now, though... I heart you, mini-Walgreens next door to Denny's and Best Western.