| - New years eve we chose to stay in the Novotel Hotel (very lovely place) so when it came time for dinner we chose to check out the Trio restaurant located downstairs of the hotel. The time was about 6:30pm so we thought it would be getting a little busy. We showed up, no one was there to greet us, there was a group of people across eating and also playing music off of a laptop, it turned out to be the staff. We should have walked out right at that point but we were extremely hungry and looking for a quick fix. Finally a "waitress" came over and we said hey, we're looking to get a table, are you guys open (it looked closed and not ready for new years) her quick response was, "uh yeah, we're just eating dinner." in a rather snippy and rude attitude like we intruded on their evening. They were not ready to serve us and she asked if we wanted takeout. We wanted a bloody table. Again, at that point, we should've walked out but we were hungry. A chef (or something) came out and handed us some menues and sat our party of 4. At this point, we didn't even open the menues and just wanted to get the hell out of there since they clearly didn't want any customers. Don't eat here, stay in the hotel, they're far nicer than the restaurant staff. I have trouble calling this place a restaurant because what they are doing is an embarrassment to catering. Hope this is helpful. Happy Yelping.