Our battery died not even two blocks from the Pep Boys and after getting a jump from my mother in law, it still didn't work. So after a half hour wait, & restarting with smoke coming out from underneath the engine we drove to the pep boys. My boyfriend explained to them the smoke, the car not turning over & the concern that it may be an electrical issues. So after being there two hours, we were told it was a dome light that was draining the battery and we should drive around for several hours to recharge it. During the wait we decided to apply for the store credit card, which took two people to figure out how to do.
Yesterday we were out shopping and it didn't start up again. Smoke was coming out & it smelled like burning wires. Now we're at the reliable PepBoys on 7399 W. Lake Mead Bl, we've had a electrical diagnostic test because they didn't ignore the concerns of the smoke & smell like the one on Charleston who ignored it and only did a service test. We're getting a new starter & being updated on the process regularly.