I'm attending night school just a few blocks away from this place and was enormously grateful to stumble upon it. In an attempt to save money, I am taking the token route this month instead of my more favorable MetroPass- basically meaning that if I'm going somewhere, I'm staying there.
Which blows, specifically because my night school is beside nothing else but a stark, greasy Pizza Pizza and some high end South American restaurants. Neither of which I'd like to spend any amount of time in studying or reading.
This place (Broadview Espresso), is a breath of fresh air in contrast to its surrounding environment. Adorable wooden chairs and tables inside, and original art works posted on the walls (note: AWESOME colorful floral paintings are currently hanging if you are in the market for purchasing some wall art!)
It was a little discerning as I walked up to the place as the windows were completely fogged due to the cold (...I don't know how other places avoid this...) but on the inside, the Barista boy (and I'd assume owner) is wonderfully cheerful and welcoming- reminds me a little of a happy version of Luke from Gilmore Girls.
Their dark coffee is lovely and they serve their tea the hardcore way (scoop the herbs into a little mesh bag right before your eyes!). Have not tried any of the food, but looks a lot like your average coffee shop stop baked goodies.
This place is a sparkle of a gem in an otherwise iffy area. Highly recommend if you enjoy your coffee shops!