Have you been to food truck Friday? Have you heard about food truck Fridays? So I guess there is this thing where all the food trucks get together on Fridays? Yeah, I get it. I have heard about it, I guess we should probably go and see what it is all about. I hate being a trendy person but I guess some things you should experience.
The area isn't hard to find using a handy Android GPS. I don't really know my way around downtown Phoenix so I took the A driver role and the driver brought us right in to the parking lot directly north of the trucks. It is as they described. 10 to 12 trucks in a circle around a sizable seating area in the middle. Take a look around. What looks good? The pizza by the slice truck? The jambalaya/burrito concept truck? Vegetarian truck anyone? I recommend picking quickly and sticking with it because the lines are about to get long if they haven't started already.
I have dined at a few of the trucks including the aforementioned jambalaya spot. I am going to talk about the best one so far, though. Luncha Libre specializes in quesadilla and torta concoctions made with meats like carnitas and carne prepared and served in a very tasty combination. I really enjoyed the carne plate with the freshly prepared chips. And don't, don't, don't forget to grab a jar of their original beverages. You get to keep the jar and you get a discount on the next time you visit. And a discount is nice because this truck isn't the cheapest available. I would say go straight to this truck once you arrive so you have the bar set.
Unfortunately this is a review of Food Truck Friday and not just Luncha Libre, otherwise I would be in the 4 to 5 star area. I can't say that I am not to blame in any of the FTF's downfalls. We have to do what we call speed runs just to get the most out of the lunch. If you don't show up early, as in 11:15 or so, prepare to take a long lunch. Make your truck decision and stick to it or else you are in the back of a line cursing your procrastination. If you do find yourself behind in the pecking order expect to be scrambling for seating. If you are with 4 or more people, this could be a bad situation. I don't hate crowds or people but on a lunch I don't want to rush while fighting the masses.
So go do it. Get it out of your system. Maybe you are salary and the suit and tie need some sun. I will say that some of the clientele at FTF are easy on the eyes. Might be a good spot for the single crowd to grab a bite. Just saying. But for this married guy getting paid by the hour and not at lunch, I really need good timing to justify the trip. I can say that I have checked that one off the ole' food bucket list.