| - The first line of your response says that you suggested that I DO NOT get it replaced, but continue using it. In the very next line, you say that the phone was unusable. What does that tell me about your credibility??
While I respect your advice, you need to realize that it is my phone and my money, so once I decide to get it replaced, all YOU as a person who repairs it need to tell me is whether you are competent enough to get it done in a professionally acceptable manner. You were not doing me any favors by getting it fixed at the agreed price. I was PAYING YOU. And the $10 deal on Yelp is part of the price you advertised. So that was no discount!! Once you agreed to get it fixed, you needed to play by the rules, which you clearly did not!! You put on a wrong screen and most importantly you did not take care of my phone which I entrusted you with.
Let me tell you why I'm not accepting your offer to get the case replaced. How would you feel if some guy took your phone, scraped and scratched the casing and then offered to fix it if you were willing to pay for it. You took a perfectly fine phone (except for the hairline crack) and scraped and scratched the heck out out of it. And now you're trying to get more business from me?? You try to put the blame on me saying the phone was useless after the fall. You don't even know what happened to the phone and yet you make seemingly credible remarks. Bringing it once to you was a mistake. Your same incompetent "technician" is still going to fix this phone if I ever return and I'd never let him repair another phone of mine. This is the same reason why I did not take the offer to get my old screen back on, cos I could not imagine what ELSE he would end up doing to my phone while he took off the current screen and put on the old one.
And finally, a word to you. You run this place. And yet, not once but TWICE you delivered a product to a customer which was WAY below the standard of a deliverable. If you really took pride in your business, you'd have reviewed your technician's work and got him to do quality work BEFORE a product was delivered to the customer. Both the times, when you handed over the phone to me, you seemed to have barely taken a glance at the condition in which my phone was being returned to me, which as a customer is something that I cannot digest. When you told me "I don't know, my technician did it", you lost my trust as a customer.
I'm done doing business with you!