I've always been happy with the service visiting this location of the Calgary Public Library, but this review is more about the on-line Calgary Public Library site, which I've used for some time. Sometimes I use it to renew items, but mostly to checkout and download audio books before going on long road trips. (They continue to try and update the site to be more user friendly and there's still some work to be done.) Today I had an issue concerning an audio book I had on hold. When I logged on it said that I had a fine of $2 because I didn't pick up the hold, however I hadn't received a notification about it. I tried their on-line chat and was also helped with a DVD renewal - the site wouldn't allow me to renew it (even though I hadn't renewed it yet). The librarian on the live chat renewed it for me and I was told to call the Library Member Services about the fine. The woman I spoke to was very friendly and helpful. She confirmed the email address had been entered incorrectly, which is why I didn't receive a notification. She waived the fine and offered to put it on hold for me again. It's amazing more people don't use the Library's services to their full extent for such a low annual cost! Books, audio books, CDs and movies!