| - I usually go to this Best Buy because it's so close to my house. I'm not a fan of Best Buy in general, as I find them to be overpriced and since they changed their mobile phone protection plan, I've had no reason to shop there. However, I'm in the market for a phone and found a great deal on their website for the phone I wanted. I wanted to get the phone today, so I called ahead and asked if this would be possible and I was assured it would be fine.
So... I get to the store and go to the mobile phone department. I tell them what I need. They tell me they don't have the phone in stock. I tell them I called ahead and checked and the person I spoke with said they did. So they call over a manager to open up the cabinet where phones are kept and low and behold there's the phone I want. The girl helping me says, "Well, we have ONE left..." I tell her that's fine. She informs me that even though the phone is on sale, I'll be taxed as if it was full price. I don't quite understand that but I take her word for it and tell her to go ahead setting me up anyway. She then tells me that due to details of the plan, I need to be an existing Sprint customer or pay the full price of the phone. Well, this is not true because I was able to do this online just fine. So I tell her this and she calls the manager over who tells me the same story. I tell him that I was able to do this online, but wanted to get the phone today, not wait for it to be shipped. He tells me that they don't have to honor the deals at the store level. I wanted to tell him I'd called earlier asking about this but these people made it really clear that they do NOT want to sell me a phone.
So I drove home, called the Best Buy 800 number. They told me yes it should have been no problem setting me up with this deal. He advised me to go to the Summerlin store tomorrow and try setting it up there.
Wish me luck. And if you actually want to purchase a phone I suggest you stay away from these clowns.