| - It's clean, it's fast, it's moderately convenient. Is the UP Express perfect? No. But it's a long-overdue link between downtown and YYZ.
I've taken it on several occasions when travelling solo and once when I needed to visit the Nexus office. If you're a local and don't have a PRESTO card yet, do it. (Plus the TTC is finally getting around to modernizing / connecting the system so you'll never need to purchase another token.)
The signage on the Union side is much better now. I purposely missed the first train so I could get one last good coffee at Balzacs before leaving the city. There are airline check-in kiosks at the far end of the platform (on the right), which is a great timesaver, but they were only spewing out error messages when I tried to use them.
The train also has handy fares not widely-advertised for anyone on a layover in Toronto (wanting to make a 4 hour trip downtown), or anyone making a short visit (up to 3 hours) to the airport. The tickets must be purchased online (no need to print the tickets, they can be scanned from a smartphone).
Signage at the airport itself still needs improvement. On leaving the baggage area, no signs say "UP Express" but "Train to City". Up the escalators, over the moving sidewalk, an awkward U-Turn in the parking garage (which, if memory serves, was not signed whatsoever), and then up another escalator will get you to the platform.
I still hate Pearson, but at least getting there is less of a hassle now.