"meh" indeed.
Let me start by saying im not a food snob. Hell i lived of ramen and mac and cheese thru most of my 20's so i'll pretty much eat anything. I will not, however, be eating here again.
There was a wait when i got there and i usually take that as an indication that the food is really good. Turns out Chompies is more a place to see and be seen for the college kiddos instead of an actual awesome diner.
I got french toast, boyfriend got pancakes. My toast was burnt and the pancakes tasted like eggo microwaved pancakes. Im also not a food returner, if its edible, ill eat it, but this was pretty bad. I asked the waitress what was up and she very snootily retorted "thats how it comes". Um . . . looking at the dude at the table next to me's golden, perfectly cooked french toast i asked her "are you sure?" She rolled her eyes and walked off, and apparently not to bring me something that didnt look like toxic waste as she didnt come back until 15 min. later with the bill. Oh and PS the home fries are just hashbrown mush with no flavor. Dont bother.
The food was pretty nasty, the server was kind of mean, and it was so not worth the wait.
Ill stick to Matts downtown until i find another diner.
Bummer since i live in tempe and was really hoping to finally find a greasy spoon closer.