The other day, my Mom was talking about painting our living room creamy yellow with brown trim. I know what you thought after you read that sentence. You thought "What the fuck? Only a colourblind asshole would choose that colour combo!". Well I thought that too but I had to say that in a way that wouldn't get me grounded. Then she told me about the cute little cafe she had gone to on her lunch break with the cute baristas, yummy pastries, phenomenal chai lattes and the absolutely charming colour combo. She had me at cute baristas, their scones could've tasted like concrete and I still would have gone.
My heart stopped when I saw ovaltine on the menu. Ovaltine! In a restaurant! Made with steamed milk which instantly elevates every hot beverage! I know that if this was any other powdered drink I would be whining about huge profit margins but childhood memories silenced that part of my brain. Got it, loved it, mourned it after it was done. I had a sip (or five) of my mother's chai latte and it was much better than the watery, sugary crap they serve at Starbucks.