| - I may be biased, as this is the first greasy spoon I have been to in the area - but I like it. I'm actually not certain if it's on Springhurst - it's actually just by the No Frills , at the back end of the alleyway - but the address very well be correct, as the alleyway has no name to call its own.
I'm not going to give raving review on the service- she wasn't friendly, nice , patient or talkative but she was certainly prompt, which made everything else endurable - since I am, afterall, there to be fed. Seriously, don't expect her to smile back at you - it AIN'T going to happen.
The decor isn't as amazing as the milkshake here - but if you find antiques fascinating - there is a jukebox in here from I dunno when! It completely occupied my attention, even though it didn't work(when I remember to take a pic of this, I will post it- it seems to always slip my mind).
Good size food - seems to be a hit & miss withe flavours, but non the less, completely filling- and I felt that there was value. Milkshake is pretty awesome - I couldn't share it.
It's almost too bad this place came into my life - I blame my friend - because now I have no motivation to cook AT all.