We used to love McFaddens and go there all the time. I'll never support the place again. Their bouncers were beyond disrespectful to so many people last night. The place was closing and they treated people horribly as they were leaving. They were saying "get the f**k out," "shut the f**k up," and calling women b*tches- myself included. One guy had his hand in my face. How is that ok? Nobody was even trying to stay there or fight them asking us to leave as they closed. It was completely unprovoked and so unbelievable. The bouncers acted like they had some sort of power over people and tried grouping up against their customers like some sort of gang. I'm still in shock what complete and utter assholes they were. This happened to several groups of people and had many, many people upset because who is ok with being spoken to that way? I hope the owner goes back and looks at cameras to see how their employees acted last night. One bouncer even stepped up like he was going to fight a guy and swung on him. What the hell? It was incredible. Good luck to anyone going there. I don't recommend it.