| - How can you not be a fan of Target? It has everything you need, and don't really need, under one roof... and it's not Walmart.
This location is convenient, but it can also be a mess. I now always park on the first floor (pull in by the wendy's) and take the stairs so I can avoid the disaster of an upper parking deck. I've become a basket shopper, not a buggy pusher, not only to curb my spending habits but also because sometimes the place is just a mob scene of carts and there are traffic jams, even in the ridiculously wide aisles.
I love that they've expanded their grocery section. I don't really love the actual selection, and It doesn't have everything - as it's still not a "super" target, but I can knock out most of the dried and frozen food portion of my shopping (and orange juice, and maybe deli meat - but why do they only sell sliced sandwich meats, where are the cooked chicken and turkey pieces??) at a fraction of HT prices before I jump in my car and pick up produce/fresh meats at the one on East.
I have unfortunately noticed that they've been creeping up their prices on some items. I always buy the same type of cereal and I was really excited they started to carry it because HT sells it for close to $5 a box. It started at 2.99, then about a week later it was 3.29, and now it's barely under $4. (**update, now 4.35) Still cheaper than HT, but I think they're realizing they can charge a bit more in this area for groceries than expected.
And Target customer service, is well, hit or miss. I strike out more around 3 or 4 when a lot of shifts tend to end and they apparently couldn't care less if I needed help finding where they moved the light bulb aisle to. But I don't tend to expect too much going in.