| - I know it costs a little bit more but look around, they don't serve avocado at 9 am anywhere in 10 miles radius! It's a lovely, fresh, fast and tasty, and a bit unusual breakfast food that will satisfy you. One word for you: skillets. Sizzling crunchy fresh.
Service here is fast and very blunt, your waitress is not going to tell you her autobiography and won't ask you about your accent (haircut, mood, criminal record) either, which is just the way I like it. If I come for food, give me food, chatting me up is not gonna feed me, sister. So I am incredibly grateful for the lack of interest in me from the other side of the table. I am wiling to pay extra for that any day.
And of course it is all about turnover, so just grab your skillet and get going.
I totally understand and love this place, and I think that it loves me back.