| - I used to love the Brooks Brothers store in Seattle so I'm happy to see it's landed here in Toronto. Brooks Brothers is The Gap for when you finally grow up. Nothing is cheap here. A business shirt will set you back about $120. And you won't find a piano tie here. Ties are colorful, in classic patterns. If you have eyes other than mongrel brown (sadly, my eye color), for some reason women go utterly weak in the knees if you are able to match a tie to your eye color. This is the place to find it. The tie tables are like a pantone wheel.
And the shirts. Mmmm. The shirts.
"I've got a man in England who
buys me clothes. He sends over
a selection of things at the
beginning of each season, spring
and fall."
He took out a pile of shirts and
began throwing them, one by
one, before us, shirts of sheer
linen and thick silk and fine flannel,
which lost their folds as they fell
and covered the table in many-colored
disarray. While we admired he brought
more and the soft rich heap mounted
higher--shirts with stripes and scrolls
and plaids in coral and apple-green
and lavender and faint orange, and
monograms of Indian blue. Suddenly,
with a strained sound, Daisy bent her
head into the shirts and began to
cry stormily.
"They're such beautiful shirts," she
sobbed, her voice muffled in the
thick folds. "It makes me sad because
I've never seen such--such
beautiful shirts before."
Yeah, you can't enter a Brooks Brothers store and not be transported to that scene in the Great Gatsby.