Downtown Phoenix is still taking baby steps as far as hip AND delicious restos are concerned. So, when we stopped by Sens, we were pretty psyched to find something close to a late-night SF food spot.
Sens lassos curious minds in with its sleek interior and possible "hip" factor.
HOWEVER, and unfortunately, delicious was not on the menu the night we decided to give it a try.
As some reviewers have noted- tapas are not new news. But, neither are some of creations, or recreations that are found at Sens.
-Soup gyoza...revealed not a trickle of broth when bitten into.
-Wasabi shu mai... overpowered by wasabi to the point that we tasted bitter undertonees
-Red Thai curry chicken wings... not enough curry, yet tasteless chicken
-Lemongrass clams... were not bad! represented the clams nicely with hints of lemongrass flavor in the clam shell and meat.
-Yakitori... well, it's shrimp yakitori. So what?
Perhaps we didn't order the big deal items that night, but we ordered quite a few and weren't that psyched.
Try again? Maybe.