On each of the three occasions I went to this office to see the doctor I had to wait a minimum of 45 minutes past my appointment time to see him. On the other occasion that I went in for an allergy test the staff forgot about me in the back room. They were not considerate with my time and the fact that I was taking off time from work to be there and had to get back. I came in with a boring case of allergies, and when I told the doctor I did not like using nasal sprays, he just wrote me a prescription for a different nasal spray. When that, and over the counter allergy medicines did not work he gave me the limited options of taking drops at 4$ a day (which I can't afford) or coming in to the office every month for injections (for which I do not have the time, especially at this office.) by the end I was being booked for the same test every month so they could confirm that there was still fluid in my ears, which of course there was as my condition never improved. At least the doctor was not pushy with his treatments.