Worst breakfast experience ever. This is a popular hang out Sunday at the crack of 9:30 am for Etobicoke people. They're lined up from the escalator. Hey, Etobicoke people know the value of $1. It gets you a plate of food at Ikea. But these ill-trained Etobicoke staffers really know how to screw up pretty simple food delivery, in contrast to the well oiled sausage machine of Ikea Vaughan.
They seem to set out one tub of pancakes and don't bother to refill it within the 14 minutes it takes the 100 people in line to consume them. God forbid you get there at 9:40 am. You'll be out of pancakes. Okay, try the french toast. Look for the maple syrup. Find none. Pay at cash. Ask where the syrup is. Be informed it's back at the steam table. Still find none. Be informed second hand by a non-employee they're out of maple syrup. I guess I could have been told that by the cashier before I paid.