Drop what you're doing and drive here. After I ate here I had to go back the next day for more. The food is that good.
This cute little green building may have gone competely unoticed if I hadn't been driving down Palm Rd to avoid construction. While waiting to turn onto 16th Street the "Grand Opening" sign caught my eye and my little yelping soul leaped for joy! A new place to try!
It looked desolate from the outside but when I opened the door I was put at easy by the decor, smell and cleanliness inside. I ordered dinner for two, to go. The menu was awesome. I loved seeing all the variety: poblano peppers, mole, mahi mahi, mushrooms...something wrapped in banana leaves. It made it difficult to choose something. Here's what I've had so far: La Condesa Shrimp Burro and Baja Sur Dogfish Shark Taco. They are both were very delicious meals but the shrimp burro stole the show. So much flavor. I snagged some bites from my hubbys mole and mahi mahi burros- mmmm such a delight. The salsa bar is endless. I really stocked up. I was excited to try the strawberry salsa but it was too hot, in fact it all was, but I'm a big wimp when it comes to hot peppers. The horchata is handmade and delicious. They throw pecans and some fruit in there too which is a yummy bonus!
As if the good food wasn't enough to win me over the art in this restaurant sho did! I'm a sucker for Mexican folk art and Frida Kahlo is my Oprah. There's a painting of her and Diego hanging over the salsa bar, it's amazing. All the paintings are great, love the artist.