I called upon Bellhops from a craigslist add, obviously completely interested in the price that was advertised. Moving drains your wallet, so I was looking for the best deal from a trustworthy company, and boy was I impressed! Being 8 months pregnant and needing to move in the middle of summer isn't idealistic. This company definitely came to the rescue. Thankfully, I was able to make a reservation within a few days from my move-in date, while all other movers were booked. Um, point 1 for Bellhops!
Point 2 goes out to their AMAZING customer service line! Very friendly and knowledgeable!
Point 3 goes to their employee's. I was impressed by the gentlemen that were assigned to help me out. They were very kind and respectful, on time and very quick! They didn't mess around at all, got my furniture into my new home within 15 minutes all while keeping a good attitude. I am so happy I was able to use this service, as I desperately needed it last minute.
I recommend using this service 100%!!!! Will be using again when I make my next grand adventure!