| - Some days are so weird. Has this ever happened to you?
You wake up one morning with no perceivable hangover symptoms.
Something is very wrong you reason, knowing full well how those sake bombers last night should have spiraled you down into a massive sub-human funk, but miraculously, you feel halfway human.
Maybe it was something you ate at Jack in the Box at 4 am.
Or maybe, you're still drunk and that first tsunami of nausea hasn't washed over you yet, in ether case, you don't care because for once you actually feel good.
Good enough to eat breakfast for a change.
You've heard people speak of this bizarre concept...eating ones meals in lieu of drinking them, but now it's time to try it out for yourself.
Off you go, to the Good Egg!
Start in with some fruit juice, like the grapefruit. It tastes fresh squeezed and is served up in a huge glass, not a tiny little juice glass. Nice.
You wish you had some vodka right about now, I know, but lets stay on track, shall we, the waitress is headed in your direction.
Quick, look over the menu. Pick something.
Nothing looks good, I know, but you're on a mission.
To actually eat something today other than Reese's peanut butter cups and diet coke.
Here's my two cents.
Go with the seven grain Oatmeal.
I know, it sounds repulsive. And more so, it even looks repulsive....its contents littered with every type of nut, seed, fruit and berry imaginable. Almost as if a stray coyote sauntered into the kitchen, found the pot of oatmeal cooking and unceremoniously took a dump in the pot.
Forget all that, just hold your nose and eat it.
Surprised, right?
It's damned tasty isn't it?
Now go.
Pay the bill, get your loyal customer card stamped and head back home for a nap...
before you finally realize you only slept for an hour last night, and how theres a wave of nausea headed your way. Only this is no ordinary wave. This wave resembles Jaws, the infamous North Shore wave that eats surfers....for breakfast.
Oh, the irony.